Manage your business efficiently with our centralized management solution in the cloud
Centralised management features
Centralize management, optimize resources, and access rich, organized information from anywhere, on any device.
Centralize the management of your fleet
Unified and digitized document management
Save time with the cloud
24/7 availability without your own IT resources
Centralised management
Centralize the management of your fleet
With our cloud-based and centralized management solution, you can streamline the management of your business by unifying administration and using assets more efficiently to improve fleet management.
Unified and digitized document management
Anago offers unified and digitized document management in the cloud, allowing you to keep all fleet-relevant documents in a single place and accessible at all times.
Unified and digitised management
Save time
Time savings through the cloud
Thanks to the app, central cloud management can be used extremely flexibly. It simplifies data collection, fleet monitoring and notification of repair orders, saving time and improving fleet management efficiency.
24/7availability without your own IT resources
You can access all information in Anago without a server, installation of software or use of IT resources anytime and from any location, because Anago is in the cloud.